Graffiti on City assets

City of Mandurah is responsible for removing graffiti from infrastructure it manages or owns. This can include footpaths, street signs, public toilets and buildings such as libraries and community halls. 

Graffiti on other government and utility service assets

The City will directly report graffiti on any agency-owned assets to the relevant owner for removal as it is the responsibility of the owner. Some agencies may include Western Power, Main Roads WA and Transperth. 

Preventing graffiti tips

  • Landscape - natural screening can form an effective barrier and restrict access to walls.
  • Lighting & Surveillance – a well-lit area makes your property more visible, which helps people notice if any vandalism is being committed.
  • Practice Neighbourhood Watch – work with neighbours to increase vigilance in the area.
  • Rapid Removal – report and remove graffiti as soon as possible to reduce the likelihood of re-occurrence.

Reporting graffiti

Report to the City of Mandurah by calling (08) 9550 3777 or email

You are also encouraged to report graffiti to the WA Police on 131 444 or online as graffiti is a criminal offence.

What is the City doing to reduce graffiti?

  • Employs full-time Graffiti Treatment Officers
  • Aims to remove graffiti as soon as possible
  • Practises Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design principles